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Author Topic:   Maker's mark challenge: S-SB 1714

Posts: 28
Registered: May 2005

iconnumber posted 06-28-2005 09:37 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for miphi4tbg     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

Several of you were helpful in answering my previous queries; I hope for as much help with this one!

I acquired an 8" long spoon recently that is quite a mystery.
Can anyone tell me something about the maker?

I'll appreciate any information, including reference books that I should be consulting.

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Posts: 18
Registered: Jun 2005

iconnumber posted 06-30-2005 08:01 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Antiqueperson     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Beautiful spoon. It LOOKS really old.

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iconnumber posted 07-01-2005 08:29 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for t-man-nc     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
As you beat my bid... Smile... I have to say I didn't have any real idea, but I was also beating on a hunch... It is a "Dog Nose" , "Rat Tail" design, and I am not sure who the maker is, but the decoration has a dutch/nortic feel to me... The mark "SSB" or "HB" is interesting to say the least... I don't think it is an American piece, made here by an early smith from Europe, I don't know why but just the feeling I get...

But a great piece any way, hope you enjoy it... and can find out more on the maker...


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Registered: May 2005

iconnumber posted 07-01-2005 08:35 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for miphi4tbg     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for your response, "Smaug" - I did know you were bidding smile and having read many of your posts here I was reassured by your participation that the spoon had value. I am even more curious now to learn more!

[This message has been edited by miphi4tbg (edited 07-01-2005).]

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iconnumber posted 07-02-2005 02:57 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for akgdc     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote

This isn't really my area of expertise, but those heart-shaped conjoined-initial-and-date marks are usually provincial Scandinavian ... probably Danish or (less likely, I'd guess) Norwegian. The date in the engraving (which probably commemorates a marriage -- it was traditional in Northern Europe to present engraved spoons at weddings, christenings, even funerals) does look about right for the style. (Rattail bowl, and dognose stem end ... a veritable menagerie!)

So no need for buyer's remorse (unless you hoped it was American) ... it's a nice spoon!

Perhaps an expert on Scandinavian marks will chime in with a more definite identification.

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Posts: 28
Registered: May 2005

iconnumber posted 07-11-2005 07:16 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for miphi4tbg     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
Thanks for your comments, akgdc -- I'm hoping for exactly that to happen!

P.S. I have to confess that I harbored some hope that it was American, until I saw it . . . But it is a nice spoon, and I do hope to learn more about it.

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iconnumber posted 07-12-2005 12:07 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Dale     Edit/Delete Message   Reply w/Quote
For those hoping this is American, might I suggest Delaware? In the former Swedish colony, there may have been some demand for traditional silver. Are there any reference works on this subject?

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